Sargassum R&D

Stage 1 - Completed

We have already successfully built and operated a test farms on the island of St. Vincent. We have several remaining knowledge gaps, which we will fill in a three-month extended trial. The farm will be constructed using our proprietary barrier technology.


St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG)


Prove year-round stable stock

Measure impact of farm on dissolved oxygen and pH of water in and around farm

Characterization of fish biodiversity

Definitive calculation on growth rates

Learn how Sargassum behaves

Develop a method to domesticate it

Develop both floating and anchored farms that keep Sargassum healthy and growing


Stage 2 - In Progress

Go to the Caribbean and help hotels keep their beaches clean of influxing Sargassum. We will establish our first five small-scale SeaClear farms in partnership with a hotel. This will involve building a 1,000 metre barrier to catch Sargassum in a channel where it regularly influxes, before moving the seaweed to a stationary farm nearby. The Sargassum can then be used in industry and any remaining biomass can be used for biochar credits or testing our biomass sinking methodology.




Test operations and develop training methods for scaling up

Conduct detailed 3rd party environmental impact assessments

Build the demand for Sargassum derived products 

Provide a better solution to an existing problem, for a similar price hotels currently pay, and avoid putting Sargassum in landfill 

We will turn a profit as a company with just 5 SeaClear installations 

Grow partnerships with offtake agreements for Biochar, Biostimulants, Bioplastics and more

Once we have proven all elements of our SeaClear farms we will scale up to build our first 60 paddocks. Will will have operational sales channels for offtake of the feedstock for green industries.


Scale up across the Caribbean region


60,000 m2 (60 paddocks), nearshore and anchored in the Caribbean 

Start to supply bigger markets for Sargassum, funded by investors (each farm becomes an SPV) so still low risk to Seafields 

Achieve profitability at a site level

Build blueprint for scale

Start to develop licensing model from 10 farms onwards


Stage 4 - In Planning


360,000 m2 farms nearshore in the Caribbean 

Expanding beyond just the natural influxing Sargassum and growing significant volume for commoditised markets 

Grow to 10,000 km2 in size, roughly the same surface area as Jamaica, which provides a 100 megatonne CO2 abatement opportunity and a potential $billion profit opportunity 

Stage 3 - In Planning

The Giga Farm will be made up of many smaller, modular farm components. See below from this to this…

Open Ocean

Stage 5 - Vision

Finally we will start to deploy our floating farms in the open ocean. By this stage we will have developed the technology for artificial upwelling, which will unlock open ocean aquafarming. Currently this area of ocean is effectively a desert and establishing upwelling there will bring necessary nutrients to the surface for the Sargassum to prosper, creating oases in the desert.


South Atlantic gyre


0.7 million km2 farm, which is the size of the current South Atlantic garbage patch 

Provides an 8Gt CO2 abatement opportunity 

Potential trillion-dollar revenue opportunity 

Merge/join with delivery partners to achieve this scale

Heal the climate and restore our ocean